The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612 e.

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OA Day & Kennedy's Reunion
08 June 2025
OA Day is an annual summer gathering for former pupils and staff of Aldenham School. The event in 2025 will include a Gaudy reunion for former members of Kennedy's House. The last time Kennedy's hosted this event was in 2018 (see picture). The Head of Foundation, Alex Hems, James Kerslake, Housemaster and Clare Yeabsley (K1988-90), OA Society President, look forward to welcoming OAs back to this popular event. This full day of activities provides an opportunity to come together and reflect on the past enjoy the present and hear plans for the future. Guests will share experiences from their time at Aldenham and beyond the School gates as they visit the open House, attend a Thanksgiving service in Chapel and take lunch in the Dining Hall. The traditional John Dewes cricket match will be played on Top Field in memory of John Dews (B1940-45) and afternoon tea will be served at the Pavilion to close the proceedings.
We look forward to welcoming guests to Aldenham for this popular event. If you would like to attend, please book online or contact the Development and OA Office on 01923 851612/4 email
The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612
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