The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612 e.

Old Aldenhamian Lodge - About Us

For those unfamiliar with Freemasonry, it is a society of like-minded men of any race, religion or political belief who are over the age of 21 years and believe in God; irrespective of the denomination that takes.

Our readers should be aware that there are two female-only Grand Lodges: The Order of Women Freemasons (founded 1913) and HFAF/ Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (founded 1913) and at one time mixed gender lodges that disappeared through attrition over time.

Aside from our regular meetings, members (and their friends and families) meet socially throughout the year and are actively involved in supporting Aldenham School; whether it be through the Lodge, the OA Society or as parents and teachers.

You will be able to find out more information as you read on and we welcome enquiries from anyone with an interest in what we do. Please do also get in touch if you are interested in joining Freemasonry, or if you are already a Freemason looking to visit our Lodge or even thinking about becoming a joining member.

At the ‘Old Aldenhamian Lodge’, we also require that our members have a current or previously strong connection with Aldenham School; whether it be as a pupil, a member of staff or parent.

We are part of a network of Public Schools Lodges that meet, intermingle, support each other’s meetings and dine together. All of which creates wonderful opportunities for networking and expanding our friendship groups. 


Freemasonry offers the chance to meet and befriend a vast network of likeminded persons who derive a deep satisfaction from working together, both in our Lodges and in seeking to improve the society that we share.

There are over six million Freemasons across the four corners of the globe; this includes 250,000 Freemasons across over 8,000 Lodges throughout England and Wales, and districts overseas; 40,000 of these members in London alone.

Regular Meeting Dates

The Old Aldenhamian Lodge meet at 10 Duke Street, St James’, London SW1Y 6BS four times each year. We dine nearby at the RAF Club after the meetings.

  • Second Wednesday evening in January
  • First Wednesday evening in March (Installation)
  • Third Wednesday evening in June
  • Third Wednesday evening in October


Please get in touch with any questions or for more information noting the below contact details:

Simon Mitchell (K 1970-73)
Old Aldenhamian Lodge,Secretary
Mobile: 0787 656 2435

Useful Links

Latest News:
The Old Aldenhamian Lodge welcomed a high profile visit from the Metropolitan Grand Lodge Royal Arch demo team at their meeting on Wednesday 12th January 2022. Thereafter we dined at the RAF Club where we enjoyed a fabulous 3-course meal in the ambience of the library.


Future Events:
The 'Old Aldenhamian Lodge' are planning a white table dinner evening during 2022 at the RAF Club to include a Q&A talk on Freemasonry and the Lodge history. This event will be open to all OA's, wives, partners and friends.

Please contact the Secretary to register interest in attending. Thanks

The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612
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