The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612 e.
Latest News
26 November 2024
It is with regret we report the untimely death of our former Bursar, Andrew Fraser, who steered Aldenham School through difficult financial times in the 1990's. He was always very calm, efficient, good-humoured and a decent man and was a great supporter of the school in all aspects of school life. He was also a very active member of OA Fives and the Treasurer right up until his death.
The family has said there will be a private cremation first for close friends and family on Tuesday 10 December, 2024. Then a service open to all at Holy Trinity Church, Frogmore, St Albans, AL2 2JU at 3pm, followed by refreshments in the Parish Centre attached to the church.

Holy Trinity is on Watling Street as you drive from Radlett to St Albans (on the right). There is a church car park but if people could share cars it would help.

The family has requested no flowers but if you would like to make a donation, please see below:
26 July 2024
We were saddened to learn that John Apthorp, Paull’s 1949-53, died on 9 July 2024 after a short illness. John is described as a ‘serial entrepreneur’, having been awarded Guardian Young Businessman of the Year and as the founder Bejam, the forerunner of Iceland the frozen food chain. He turned Majestic Wine into the national success it is today but much more than all of that he was a most generous philanthropist and supported many charities including Aldenham. John was awarded the CBE in 2014 for his charitable work and will be very fondly remembered for his loyal and regular support.

Some messages from those who knew John:

John was a really strong supporter of the School and so much that we were able to achieve was due to his generosity.
James Fowler, Headmaster 2006-2022

John Apthorp was a true friend of Aldenham and of the local community.
Trevor Barton (K1971-75), Governor 2009-2015 & Chair 2015-2021

John’s support and generosity to Aldenham School and our community will be forever remembered.
Clare Yeabsley (K1988-90), President of the OA Society

John was a major benefactor for Aldenham School. He should be remembered by many; OAs of his generation will remember him fondly.
Neil Sutherland (B1966-70), Vice President of the OA Society

There will be a memorial service at the School to celebrate John’s life on Friday 25 October, 2024. May he rest in eternal peace.
01 July 2024
Over 170 people enjoyed the reunion of Paull’s House OAs and a centenary celebration of the Memorial Library on Sunday 9 June 2024.
Guests gathered in The Wells Centre for coffee and refreshments after their journey back to Aldenham. OAs came from as far afield as America & Canada as well as Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Belgium and the breadth of the UK.
The focus in the morning was on Paull’s House and some current students showed guests around and shared experiences. A Thanksgiving service in Chapel was followed by drinks in School House Garden and then Lunch in the Dining Hall.
Special guests included Nick Pulman (CR1977-2015), 6th Housemaster of Paull’s, 1987-1981 and his wife, Char. They met the current Housemistress, Rebecca Cassell (CR2020-2024) and Lisa Sherman (CR2017-Present) who will take up the post of Housemistress in September ’24.
Ages of those present ranged from 18 to 92, with Derek Redmayne (SHE1945-50) being the eldest OA present and close on his heals was Tom English (M1947-52) at nearly 90. Tom was described by Frank Rogers (SHE1953-58) as ‘OA Royalty’ as his father, Fred English (CR1915-51), was Housemaster of Beevor’s, 1936-51, known then as ‘English’s’. His father-in-law William Hook (CR1948-73) was a renowned Director of Music who was married the Betty Hook, Matron of McGill’s 1948-73, and they had a son at Aldenham, Michael Hook (B1960-64); quite an Aldenham dynasty.
Throughout the day cricketers played a tribute game to John Dewes (B1940-45) on Top Field. At 3.30 guests met in the Library, where they enjoyed music from Year 8 student Dimieari Abbey who played the cello donated by Edward Oatley (P1958-62) as they gathered to celebrate the centenary of this memorial building and to say their farewells before making their way home.

Centenary Celebration of the Library
An exhibition of Library and WWI memorabilia was on display in the Memorial Library on OA Day 2024. Aldenham’s War List 1914-18 was mounted on the Library shelves in tribute and to honour the memory of lives lost. Ben Frais (P&R2001-06 & CR2014-Present) spoke about the history of the Library and all that it means to the School. Two students, Alex Sinani (B2018-Present) and Dani Elias (P2022-Present) spoke passionately of the quiet space that provides the academic heart of our school. It’s where students come to immerse themselves in their studies and are drawn by the calm and focused environment it provides.
02 April 2024
The Annual OA Dinner 2024, held on Saturday 9 March, was enjoyed by over 80 guests. Ages ranged from 18 to 84 with OAs representing every decade from the 1950s to the 2020s. The Head of Foundation, Mrs Alex Hems, welcomed everyone back to Aldenham with drinks and canapes in the Apthorp Room in The Wells Centre, where guests gathered at the start of the evening. Newly elected President, Clare Yeabsley (K1988-90) thanked James James-Crook (M1968-72) for his dedication to the role over a seven year tenure and said she will do her best to continue connecting with OAs of all ages and across the world.
A delicious three course meal was followed by first class entertainment from professional magician, Christopher Whitelock (B2000-07). OA sports and social clubs were well represented with members of OAFC, OA Golf Society, Aldenham Fives, OA Hockey & Netball as well as the Old Aldenham Lodge all present and correct. John Griffin (SHO1976-81) travelled from Switzerland and Duncan Wallace (P1963-66) came from Bulgaria to join the occasion.
Great fun was had by all with Instagram poses and Tik-Tok footage put together by younger members of the OA Committee determined to raise the profile of OA events to Generation X, Millennials and Gen Z, as well as the Boomers! Dinner Convenor, Chris Stern (P1973-78) made a point to thank the caterers, Holroyd Howe, who did a fantastic job and also subsidised the wine for the event, to help keep the ticket prices attractive.
The whole evening was a great success and set the bar high for a similar standard for 2025. Photographs taken on the evening may be viewed in the Event Galleries and feedback and suggestions for future OA gatherings are invited – please send all thoughts to
18 March 2024
Funeral Details:
Tuesday 16 April at10:30am
St John the Baptist Aldenham Church, Church Lane, WD25 8BE
Followed by a reception at Aldenham Golf Club, WD25 8NN.
Donations invited to Peace Hospice Care in memory of Mary -
We are very sad to announce that Mary Galvin, Kennedy’s Housemaster’s wife 1984-99, died on Sunday 17 March.
Aldenham played a large part in Mary’s life as she lived here as a child when her father, David Wallace-Hadrill (CR1950-55 &1962-86) was Kennedy’s 1st Housemaster. She went on to marry Austin Galvin (CR1970-2006) who was initially Head of Biology and then the 3rd Housemaster of Kennedy’s. Mary and Austin's son, Will Galvin, is an OA, Beevor’s 1993-2000 and was married in the Aldenham School Chapel in 2016. Their daughter, Eleanor married Peter Duddles (CR2000-04), a Physics teacher and Martineau’s House Tutor at the School and their daughter, Alice was also married at Aldenham in 2008.
We would like to extend heartfelt condolences to Austin, Alice, Will, Eleanor and Peter and their whole family, as well as to Mary’s brothers, Peter Wallace-Hadrill (B1961-66), Ben Wallace-Hadrill (B1970-74) and Robert Wallace-Hadrill (B1973-77).
Further information and funeral details will be posted here when known.
President of the OA Society, Clare Yeabsley (K1988-1990) says that she will always remember Mary fondly. Clare has kept in touch with Austin and Mary Galvin, since being in their House as a student, this is testament to their kindness and the care that they both showed to Aldenham students.
Our thoughts are with all those affected by this loss.
07 March 2024
At yesterday’s OA AGM, as per my long term intention, I stepped down as OA President and I am delighted to announce that Clare Elizabeth Yeabsley (née McCarty) was unanimously elected as my successor.
My seven year tenure of commitment, continuity, change, connection and contemplation has been thoroughly enjoyable, a tremendous personal honour and privilege during which time I made many significant changes to the OA Society, albeit in my opinion for the better, including developing a more diverse and inclusive OA Committee.
Now is the right time to allow another OA with fresh energy and vision to continue my legacy as the OA Society evolves and thrives one hundred and twenty two years since being founded in 1922.
Clare, a former pupil of Kennedy's House 1988-90, is married to Michael Yeabsley, Housemaster of McGill's and a mother to seven children all educated through the Aldenham system. Clare was elected to the OA Committee in 2015 and is a successful business woman, confidant public speaker, networker and communicator; her brother is Paul McCarty (M1987-92).
Clare Yeabsley now becomes the first woman in the history of the OA Society's one hundred and twenty two years to hold the office as the 28th President of the Old Aldenhamian Society and indeed forty four years since girls were first admitted at Aldenham School. This is history in the making.
I am confidant you will give Clare your full support in her new and important role.
Long live Aldenham. Long live the OA Society.
With my sincere thanks and best wishes.

James James-Crook (M1968-72)
Vice President, OA Society & Governor, The Aldenham Foundation
08 January 2024
On Monday 18 December the Class of 2023 returned to Aldenham for the first time since they left in the summer. Over 100 guests gathered in the Dining Hall to offer each other season’s greetings and share news and views of life beyond Aldenham. Former students and their parents were obviously delighted to see each other again.
Festive food and drinks were served on arrival and Alex Hems, Head of the Aldenham Foundation, congratulated all the former students on their achievements as she formally presented them with their hard earned A Level certificates. James James-Crook (M1968-72) took the opportunity to welcome new members to the OA Society and to tell them about the benefits of their alumni organisation; a network of friends, fellow students and professional contacts within a unique community who may be contacted directly or through the OA Office. He reminded them about events that may interest them such as the Annual OA Dinner, OA Day and other reunions that are organised locally, regionally and internationally. Formalities over it was back to eating, drinking, and socialising to continue the celebration.
This event is a relatively new Aldenham tradition in the School and OA calendar, providing an opportunity to reconnect and to stay in touch with old friends and to make new ones. We now look forward to a similar event at the end of 2024.
30 November 2023
Many congratulations to Colonel Alan Jukes OBE (SHE1937-41) who reached 100 on 3 November 2023. He was delighted to receive a card and an Aldenham mug from Alex Hems, Head of the Aldenham Foundation, which took pride of place on his shelf along with a card from the King. Alan's PA told us that he was hoping to get one from Queen Elizabeth and said that "the one from King Charles would do".
Guests at a celebration arranged by Admiral Jellicoe House staff, where Alan is a resident, included the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth and the Royal Marines Corps of Drums gathered to provide the pomp and ceremony befitting a former Naval Officer.
It was a very special day for everyone and especially Alan.
14 November 2023
Jim Robinson (CR1974-85) sadly died on 20 October ‘23.
Jim was Head of Chemistry for all his time at Aldenham and House Tutor in Kennedy’s for ten years.
May he rest in peace.
Jim had expressly wished that Aldenham should be informed by his sister, Alice, who kindly wrote to the Head of the Aldenham Foundation, Mrs Alex Hems. Although he lived his last years in a care home and had very poor mobility Jim kept in touch with the School and OAs, visiting when he could. It was always a pleasure to welcome Jim back on OA Days and the affection he felt for Aldenhamians was matched in return by everyone who knew him.
We will remember Jim very fondly and are grateful to him for his care and support.
Pictured, left on OA Day 2012 with Frank Rogers (SH1953-58), OA Society Hon. Secretary.
We have been advised that Jim's funeral will take place at 2pm on Tuesday 21st November at St Helen's Church, Ainderby Steeple, Northallerton, North Yorks, followed by burial.
10 November 2023
Guests gathered at the Sole & Duck in Trumpington, near Cambridge, for a sociable Aldenham lunch on 12 October 2023.
Old Aldenhamians from the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s enjoyed sharing memories and catching up with each other over a drink before sitting down for a super meal when more stories were told, and life experiences exchanged.
After lunch, Alex Hems, Head of the Aldenham Foundation, updated guests on activities at their old school and James James-Crook, President and Governor, thanked them for their support as he prepares to stand down after seven years as President next spring.
Another great event, well supported by members of the OA Society living in the East of England.
The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612
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