The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612 e.
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Issue 42 of the OA Review is available for members to download. You will have to log-in and click the Publications tab again to enjoy reading news from OAs across the World, highlights of events and updates on activities in the School today. Responses to this issue and items for the next publication, due in the autumn of 2015, should be sent to the Editor, James James-Crook (M1968-72) via the Development and OA Office
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Issue 41 of the OA Review is available for members to download. You will have to log-in and click the Publications tab again to enjoy reading news from OAs across the World, highlights of events and updates on activities in the School today.
Items for the next issue, due in the autumn of 2014 should be sent to the Editor, James James-Crook (M1968-72) via the Development and OA Office
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Read news from OAs across the World, updates from the School and information about OA Society events. You will need to log-in and click the Publications tab again to recieve the downloadable magazine - if you don't have or have forgotten your unique log-in details please contact the Development and OA Office
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You can download past copies of the Old Aldenhamian Society magazine, Aldenhamiana, from the Publications page, to do this you will need to log in. If you don't have or have forgotten your unique log-in details please contact the Development and OA Office
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This book charts the history of the School from Richard Platt’s original foundation, showing how the school evolved through periods of both continuity and change. It profiles important people in the context of the School’s historical strengths and enduring traditions. The book offers a true and vibrant portrait of Aldenham, along with an inspiring vision for its future. The cost of this book is: £20 (collected from School) £25 (inc. postage & packing to UK address) £30 (inc. postage & packing to overseas address) Please order your copy from the Development and OA Office
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Copies available from Development & OA Office - Price - £19.50 (inc. Postage and packing)
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Copies available from Development & OA Office - Price - £7.00 (inc. Postage and packing)
E-Newsletters and updates are sent to OAs on a regular basis - please make sure we have you current email address so that we can keep in touch and tell you about forthcoming events. To update your contact details please log in. If you do not have or have lost your unique log in details please contact the Development & OA Office
E-Newsletters and updates are sent to OAs on a regular basis - please make sure we have you current email address so that we can keep in touch and tell you about forthcoming events. To update your contact details please log in. If you do not have or have lost your unique log in details please contact the Development & OA Office
E-Newsletters and updates are sent to OAs on a regular basis - please make sure we have you current email address so that we can keep in touch and tell you about forthcoming events. To update your contact details please log in. If you do not have or have lost your unique log in details please contact the Development & OA Office
The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612
InTouch-Online (v supplied by InTouch Software