Annual Dinner
16 November 2012
The Annual Dinner on Friday 16th November was a great success. Nearly 90 people enjoyed the occasion and celebrated 10 November OA birthdays together. A drinks reception was held in The Wells Centre, which had been recently opened and current Praes showed guests around the new facilities. A pre-dinner concert, organised by John Wyatt, Director of Music provided an opportunity to see the extended music space in full use. Duncan Fraser (M1998-2005) completed the line up of Aldenham's talented musicians who performed in the concert.Neil Sutherland, President, highlighted the broad age range of OAs present from 18 to 90. He said: "The atmosphere was the most relaxed ever and there was a real 'buzz' in the Dining Hall".The Headmaster, James Fowler welcomed everyone back to the School and shared the most pleasing report he had been given earlier in the day, from Inspectors who had been in School all week. They had concluded that Aldenham is 'an excellent school' on all counts. More cause for celebration on the night!Eight full tables accommodated OA Footballers, Five Players, Golfers and groups from Classes of 2003, 2005 and 1951. The excellent menu and service provided by the Brookwood team completed the evening.See Past Event Galleries for photographs of the Dinner