The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612 e.
Mentoring Scheme
17 January 2013
A Mentoring Scheme for members of the OA Society was introduced in September 2012. Currently over 50 OAs have agreed to provide personal and career guidance to others who find themselves wondering which route to take for future development. In September 2014 the scheme was extended to include mentoring support for Sixth Form students, who want guidance on career choices and direction in their chosen field. To make this scheme work and continue as a valuable service to members of the OA Society, OAs are encouraged to update their personal profile with further education and employment details and advise the OA Office if they would be happy to provide mentoring guidance To find details of registered OA Mentors you will need to log in. If you do not have or have forgotten your unique log in details, or would like further information about the OA Mentoring programme, please contact the Development and OA Office - Log in to find a mentor.
The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612
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