The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612 e.
Class or 2023 Reunite to Celebrate Success
08 January 2024
On Monday 18 December the Class of 2023 returned to Aldenham for the first time since they left in the summer. Over 100 guests gathered in the Dining Hall to offer each other season’s greetings and share news and views of life beyond Aldenham. Former students and their parents were obviously delighted to see each other again.
Festive food and drinks were served on arrival and Alex Hems, Head of the Aldenham Foundation, congratulated all the former students on their achievements as she formally presented them with their hard earned A Level certificates. James James-Crook (M1968-72) took the opportunity to welcome new members to the OA Society and to tell them about the benefits of their alumni organisation; a network of friends, fellow students and professional contacts within a unique community who may be contacted directly or through the OA Office. He reminded them about events that may interest them such as the Annual OA Dinner, OA Day and other reunions that are organised locally, regionally and internationally. Formalities over it was back to eating, drinking, and socialising to continue the celebration.
This event is a relatively new Aldenham tradition in the School and OA calendar, providing an opportunity to reconnect and to stay in touch with old friends and to make new ones. We now look forward to a similar event at the end of 2024.
The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612
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