01 July 2013
The Aldenham School Choir sang at the Eucharist service in Gloucester Cathedral on the evening of Monday 24th June 2013. OAs and parents of the Choir members were invited to a reception hosted by the Headmaster, James Fowler, after the service. A total of 24 people enjoyed the event and the 30 strong Choir was joined by three OAs, Michael Powles (SHO1969-74), Carl Rennie (M2003-10) and Alice Erman (P2005-12) as well as some teaching staff and the Headmaster. The acoustics in this delightful building are excellent and the Choir, conducted by John Wyatt, Director of Music and accompanied by Sam Austin (CR2011-Present), sounded great. The solo performances, including one by the Headmaster, were exquisite and left the congregation feeling refreshed and uplifted. During the reception, which was held in the south transept of the Cathedral, OAs whose time at Aldenham spanned four decades, had a chance to catch up with the latest news from the School and to compare their own musical experiences, which had inspired in some a lifelong appreciation of the art. Steve Goodwin (SHE1963-69) is currently Director of Music and organist at Holy Trinity Church in Amberley, Gloucestershire. The Headmaster took the opportunity during the evening to personally thank Giles Turner (SHO1952-57) who has donated money to Aldenham for the purchase of several pianos including a brand new electronic piano for the Music Technology classroom, which was opened in September 2012 within The Wells Centre. Giles said that he wants the students to enjoy practicing on good quality instruments, so that they will carry on and become good musicians as they go through life. It has become a tradition that once a year the Choir sings Evensong at a prestigious venue. The support of OAs at these events always much appreciated - John Wyatt is applying to St Paul's for a slot there in June 2014 and all will be welcome on that occasion. A date will be announced on the OA website when this has been confirmed.